Be Andr Norwegian, b. 1978


"My work is situated in the no-man’s land between images and words. What is given is not a text or a word–it possesses a difference, which is not to be read but rather seen."


–Be Andr

"My work is situated in the no-man’s land between images and words. What is given is not a text or a word, it possesses a difference, which is not to be read, but rather seen. I am using letters from words as building blocks. By treating them as architectural image material, juxtaposing and overlapping them freely, using them as plastic elements, the distinction between image and words, what is recognised and what is perceived blurs. We are left with something else than the this and the that, something that keeps asking us to listen, question and explore. 


By taking the side of the eye it forces the mind to take a position to the fore of the visual where forces erode distinctions between letter and line, or the sensible and the intelligible. The rhythms of the lines blend the signifying letters into repetitive patterns, an image manifests as the lack of pauses between the letters create a polysemy. When fluctuating between text and image, form and information, the status of the eye changes: to see is not the same as to read. The nature of the encounter between image and words challenging the central dogma of phallogocentrism, the belief that there can be perfect communication, one code that translates all meaning perfectly; its longing moves towards heteroglossia."


Be Andr
