Adrián Gouet Chilean, b. 1982


That suspension, that astonishment–the physical containment of that bordering moment of change and transformation–is what I seek in painting.


— Adrián Gouet

Adrián Gouet (b. 1982, Santiago, Chile) earned a Bachelor of Arts from P. Universidad Católica de Chile and a Masters in Visual Arts from the University of Chile. Gouet elaborates on the production of his work by thus, “From Muybridge’s chronophotographic experiments to the latest slow motion technology devices, my practice is about representing potentially emotive situations through an aseptic and depersonalised pictorial treatment. The emphasis lies in the strictly formal description of all kinds of sublime explosions, incredible energetic discharges, eruptions, sublimations, vertigos, falls, suspensions, precipitations, disintegrations, deformations, fusions and confusions of all states of matter. That suspension, that astonishment–the physical containment of that bordering moment of change and transformation–is what I seek in painting.”


Gouet’s approach is based in assembling an archive of images, which he then recombines to produce elective affinities that resonate across the painted constructions he makes. Heavily influenced by the work of the German art historian Aby Warburg (1866-1929), Gouet builds into his diverse practice a set of conceptual and methodological approaches that frame his research based approach to painting.
